Home Security Tips

A home security system offers protection for your loved ones and property, as well as peace of mind. While property crime has dropped more than 6{21acf1f0281233a2a261a67963f8d4d61bf267fc155ede3a64079c1aa0977edd} – the sixteenth year in a row it has declined, according to the FBI – it’s still a natural instinct to protect what we love, no matter what statistics say. Today’s home security systems also can act as a hub for home automation systems, adding convenience and energy savings, which makes their cost more attractive.
Here’s a look at the top five benefits of a home security system:
1.) Protection
2.) Deterrent to burglars
3.) Peace of mind
4.) Convenience and energy savings
5.) Reduced home insurance premiums

Home Security Tips
Plan to “burglarize” yourself. You’ll discover any weaknesses in your security system that may have previously escaped your notice.

Lock up your home, even if you go out only for a short time. Many burglars just walk in through an unlocked door or window.

Change all the locks and tumblers when you move into a new house.

For the most effective alarm system, conceal all wiring. A professional burglar looks for places where he or she can disconnect the security system.

Your house should appear occupied at all times. Use timers to switch lights and radios on and off when you’re not at home.

If you have a faulty alarm that frequently goes off, get it fixed immediately and tell your neighbors that it’s been repaired. Many people ignore an alarm that goes off periodically.

A spring-latch lock is easy prey for burglars who are “loiding” experts. Loiding is the method of slipping a plastic credit card against the latch tongue to depress it and unlock the door. A deadbolt defies any such attack. It is only vulnerable when there is enough space between the door and its frame to allow an intruder to use power tools or a hacksaw.

If you lose your keys, change the locks immediately.

Before turning your house key over to a professional house cleaner for several hours, make sure the person is honest and reputable as well as hardworking. Check all references thoroughly. If the house cleaner is from a firm, call your local Better Business Bureau to check on the firm’s reputation.

Instead of keeping a spare key in a mailbox, under the doormat, or on a nail behind the garage, wrap the key in foil — or put it in a 35mm film can — and bury it where you can easily find it if you need it.

Don’t leave notes for service people or family members on the door. These act as a welcome mat for a burglar.More Details MySecurityQuote.com.